Mario Kart Concepts: New & Returning Items


New Items:

-Double Cherry (creates a doppleganger of the user which can take one item hit or bump with a track obstacle)

-Crown Item (will slow down the item roulette upon activation, and the player will be able to see every item clearly. With the right timing, they can press the use item button again to acquire the item of their choice)

-Kamek's Wand (three spells; which gives the user three random items/effects)

-Bubble (protects the player from anything in one hit or bump. If player doesn't get hit or bumped by any player or object, then they'll float backwards for a second)

-Poison Mushroom (impaired handling & stats)

-1-Up Mushroom (teleport instantly back on a track if a player falls off; effects like blooper and lightning will be instantly negated with the use of a 1-Up; users affected by other items and track obstacles will recover with the use of the 1-Up)

-Metal Mushroom (improved handling & stats)

-Mirror (items will pass through a player and won't affect them)

-Goomba Shoe (choose an area to jump to and ground pound)

-Red Coins (spawn along the track; collect them to gain a more powerful item) *Replace coins*

-Cloud Mushroom (combines super leaf's jump with a cloud platform that the user can drive on)

-Coin Cloud (a spin on the rain cloud from the Wii; gives the player a coin every second, and other racers can try to bump into them to steal it)

-Polterpup (can dig-up items, can pick-up items (item blocks or loose mushrooms on the track, etc support)

Returning Items:

-Mega Mushroom

-Fake Item Box


-Boo Item (can see other player's items, as well as the likeliest items a player will receive shuffling around item boxes they see before they get them; item user steals is still random)

-Ice Flower

-Dash Ring

-The usual (green shell, blue shell, red shell, banana, mushrooms, etc)